First International Conference on Islamic Education and Instruction (ICIEI) 2022: Islamic Educational Transformation in the Digital Era
UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, especially Faculty of Tarbiyah, was honoured to host 1st International Conference on Islamic Education and Instruction (ICIEI) 2022, taking place on September 20-21, 2022 in Surakarta, Indonesia. The event adopted a hybrid model, the most prominent model today, combining an in-person event with an online meeting via Zoom. In so doing, attendees and speakers were expected to interact with one another, making the most of technology to reach global networks. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all presenters and participants in this event on behalf of the Organising Committee.
By inviting four keynote speakers from the Republic of Mali, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia to present their theoretical and practical perspectives on the theme of the 1st ICIEI 2022, "Islamic Educational Transformation in the Digital Era," this event was intended to be a venue for discussion current educational concerns from an Islamic standpoint. As a result, the purpose of this conference was to bring together students, teachers, academics, researchers, and practitioners to share ideas and research findings and to contribute to theoretical and practical knowledge regarding technological transformations in the current educational environment. The event featured invited sessions and parallel discussions with eminent presenters covering a broad range of education-related topics, including Islamic teaching and learning in the digital era, educational management, technology and learning motivation, curriculum and instructions, teacher professional development, as well as assessment and evaluation.
The current volume of Lighthouse Conference Proceedings contains 59 papers, a selection of which were presented at the 1st ICIEI 2022. The papers cover a vast array of topics related to the conference's theme. It is a privilege for us to give the most current scientific information and technology advances in Islamic educational innovations. We hope that these proceedings will serve as a significant resource for researchers around the globe.
This event is the culmination of the efforts of many individuals. Therefore, we would like to express our gratitude to the members of the organizing committee for investing a great deal of time and effort to ensure the conference's everyday success, as well as to the reviewers for their commitment in reviewing submissions. In addition, we would like to extend our appreciation to the keynote speakers who shared their insights with us. Without the exceptional papers submitted and presented by the authors or presenters, the conference would not have been possible. We would like like to extend our appreciation to all presenters for their participation and contributions to the conference.
Finally, we look forward to seeing you at the 2nd ICIEI 2023.
Dr Heldy Ramadhan Putra P.
Conference Chair
School principal leadership strategy in increasing the quality of educationEN
Portrait of Moderation Internalization in the Poems of KH. A. Mustofa Bisri in Poetry Appreciation Study CourseEN
Learning media model development: Android-based chanting application for sunday school students
Development of children's communication capabilities with setsr vision on MI Bilingual Roudlotul Jannah Indonesia
Problem based learning model: The development of elementary school student worksheet as learning process support
Independent curriculum effectiveness on linear equations
Learning media based-explainer animated model development for primary school students
The effect of multisensory discussion on early reading ability of students’ early reading ability at MIN 6 Sukoharjo
Improving student learning outcomes through using of contextual-based audio visuals learning material in the sunday school
Optimizing the Quality of Education in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals through the Leader Scholarship LAZ Sukoharjo
Critical issues of quality control of education in indonesia: Literature review
How is spiritual intelligence affecting communication ethics students in the higher education school?
Internal and External Studies of Santri Manjung Wonogiri Islamic Boarding School towards Independence: Analysis of Situations and Competitors
Implementation of total quality management (TQM) in improving school services
The enhancing of learning organization through transformational leadership at schools
Evaluation and controlling strategy of headmaster in SDN 02 Jantiharjo
How does mindfulness strengthen students' self-confidence in the higher education school?
School internal quality assurance system in middle education unit: Case study at SMA IT Abu Bakar Boarding School Kulon Progo
The development of interactive video-based learning model for students in sunday school
Islamic education evaluation and management
Foundation of the internal quality assurance system in MTs Negeri 4 Wonogiri
Learning Model Development: Explainer Video-Based Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Relationship of parents' attention and learning interest toward the mathematics learning outcomes for class IV at Mi Muhammadiyah Trangsan Sukoharjo
The Enhancement of Teacher Performance towards Head School Leadership and Organizational Culture
The role of digital literacy in increasing educators work motivation
The effect of teacher performance on the quality of education: Literature study
Management strategy and operational management are increasing the quality of islamic education
Hots-based assessment model: To increase the student teaching activity
Educational leadership: Characteristics of buddhist leadership in 21-century education
The effect of the implementation the independent curriculum learning on the understanding of algebraic material in junior high school
How do reading interest and diction mastering enhance students' scientific writing skills in the higher education school?
The effect of the JIGSAW learning method on high school students' interest in learning
Internal Quality Audit of Islamic Educational Institutions at IAIN Curup: A Planning Study
Students social ability: The effect of loving-kindness towards social interactions in the higher education school
Education world competition problems: Case study MI Ma'arif Karanganyar
Leadership Effectiveness in Education Management
Student satisfaction: School services and learning-teaching quality as influencing factors
Strategy plan and operational plan in improving teacher performance
Learning innovation: Development of student worksheets based on problem based-learning model in primary school
The influence of organizational work culture in improving the quality of education
Self compassion as a crucial affected factor of communication ethics on the youth educational organization
The role and style of a leader in building a work culture for education personnel
How is student learning motivation affected by teacher competencies and learning facilities in the schools?
How is the student emotional intelligence enhanced by developing mindfulness approach in the higher education school?
The role of the leader in improving employee performance
Influence of work culture and work motivation reminding the performance of the teaching staff
Research trend of smart learning environment: Bibliometric analysis
Strategy of the head of madrasah in improving teacher performance
How is spiritual intelligence impact a professional teacher's development?
The effects of work motivation on the performance and competence of extraordinary school teachers: Literatur study
Enhancing of learning organization through transformational leadership at schools
Education management control system to get job satisfaction
Head school's performance: knowledge management, organizational commitment, and transformational leadership as the influencing factors to enhance
Efforts to improve speaking skills through roulette game media for students in the higher education school
Leadership in islamic education
Online learning implementation: elementary school teacher learning strategies during a pandemic period
Character-based leadership in improving the quality of education personnel
Learning in covid-19 pandemic: The effect of using zoom cloud meetings on high school student learning activities
The influence of tik tok applications on the character of students and impact in learning at the Hidayatul Qur'an Randudongkal Islamic boarding school


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