Lighthouse Proceedings
<p>Lighthouse publishes proceedings in all major STM disciplines including Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Health Sciences and Social Sciences. We offer conference, symposium and workshop organizers a unique service which is not only fast and personalized, but which also ensures maximum visibility for their conference and workshop proceedings. All proceedings on the Lighthouse proceedings platform are <strong>open access</strong> and hence freely accessible for all to read. For a complete list of all published and forthcoming proceedings, please click <a href="#">here</a>.</p> <p>All Lighthouse proceedings are published as volumes in a subject-specific series. Where applicable, we also take care that these proceedings are submitted to relevant indexation databases such as CPCI-S and CPCI-SSH (both part of Clarivate's <a href="">Web of Science</a>), <a href="">CNKI</a>, <a href="">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Scopus</a>, etc.</p>en-USLighthouse ProceedingsFirst International Conference on Islamic Education and Instruction (ICIEI) 2022
<p><strong>PREFACE</strong></p> <p>UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, especially Faculty of Tarbiyah, was honoured to host 1st International Conference on Islamic Education and Instruction (ICIEI) 2022, taking place on September 20-21, 2022 in Surakarta, Indonesia. The event adopted a hybrid model, the most prominent model today, combining an in-person event with an online meeting via Zoom. In so doing, attendees and speakers were expected to interact with one another, making the most of technology to reach global networks. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all presenters and participants in this event on behalf of the Organising Committee.</p> <p>By inviting four keynote speakers from the Republic of Mali, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia to present their theoretical and practical perspectives on the theme of the 1st ICIEI 2022, "Islamic Educational Transformation in the Digital Era," this event was intended to be a venue for discussion current educational concerns from an Islamic standpoint. As a result, the purpose of this conference was to bring together students, teachers, academics, researchers, and practitioners to share ideas and research findings and to contribute to theoretical and practical knowledge regarding technological transformations in the current educational environment. The event featured invited sessions and parallel discussions with eminent presenters covering a broad range of education-related topics, including Islamic teaching and learning in the digital era, educational management, technology and learning motivation, curriculum and instructions, teacher professional development, as well as assessment and evaluation.</p> <p>The current volume of Lighthouse Conference Proceedings contains 59 papers, a selection of which were presented at the 1st ICIEI 2022. The papers cover a vast array of topics related to the conference's theme. It is a privilege for us to give the most current scientific information and technology advances in Islamic educational innovations. We hope that these proceedings will serve as a significant resource for researchers around the globe.</p> <p>This event is the culmination of the efforts of many individuals. Therefore, we would like to express our gratitude to the members of the organizing committee for investing a great deal of time and effort to ensure the conference's everyday success, as well as to the reviewers for their commitment in reviewing submissions. In addition, we would like to extend our appreciation to the keynote speakers who shared their insights with us. Without the exceptional papers submitted and presented by the authors or presenters, the conference would not have been possible. We would like like to extend our appreciation to all presenters for their participation and contributions to the conference.</p> <p>Finally, we look forward to seeing you at the 2nd ICIEI 2023.</p> <p><br /><strong>Dr Heldy Ramadhan Putra P.</strong> <br /><em>Conference Chair</em></p>KusyaeniHeldy Ramadhan Putra PembangunanSri LestariSiti Nur Aini AmaliyahDina MaftuhVivin Devi PrahestiChiesa Zahra SalsabiliaErlinda Rahma DewiNovana Tri RahayuNovi HanifahAmining RahmasiwiAndalusia Ajeng FitrianaItsnindar Nur HudaNovi WidhyastutiGiswa Aria NandaMuhammad Hamid LufafiMokhamad SolehTri HartonoLaila WulandariDwi EstiningsihDaud Rahmat EferndiEra Carica Omam MaulanaFitriani SopayatiAbdul Fitri BerliantoFatul AzizAvina Eki wulandariSuci Sari AtiHandikaAnnisa Putri AndaniAlifah RaihanahFadhilah RaufPratiwi Rahmah HakimGiswa Aria NandaRia Dwi VransiskaTejo IsmoyoBasuki WibawaSutiyonoSidartha Adi GautamaPonimanWistina SeneruAsep RamadhanRapiadiWidi AstutiSusantoEko PramonoHendri ArdiantoKomang SutawanJuni SuryanadiDedi KundanaDittha Winyana PutraTaridiRini KasrahIne YudhawatiResdhi WibawaBurmansahRina ManggalaniSandjaja DharmatanaMega JuliantiLuwihaWidiyantoKadek Deva AgastyaIin AvitasariKarsinahEdi SumarwanDittha Winyana PutraCandra KusumaEdi PurwandokoMuhammad TaqwimSumiati KidiWanda Hanida AniswaraAndi Arif Rifa'iAisyah Putri ZahraniLutfiah Nur Destiana PutriRayhan Islam Putra ZulkaryaSupriyantoDewi Hasna Rabiatul AdawiyahShabrina Muthi’ahKhusnul KhotimahAyu Oktavia KusumawatiSya’la Choirrun Nisa AzharPrastyo NugrohoChusna MaulidaSilva Intan Fajar SaputriAlviyan Riana BettyBima Agvia PutraAndi Arif Rifa’iNilna Muna NajikhaIyut Ervia NuralisahSholihul Fahmi Salman RosyidiFatikah SuryaningrumAkhid Mustofa AlfanjariAyu SutyaningrumKurniawan Aldi PrasetyoPratiwi Rahmah HakimMuhammad Dziki AlikumainiSari Nur AnggitaSitia Dewi SyintaImam MakrufSinta Manis AnggariZumrotun AmanahPratiwi Rahma HakimMuh. Alfiana HudaRihadatul AisyEvi Risky MularsihRudi HartonoTupari
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